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Obtain precise results of the various variables that influence the metallurgical quality of cast irons: nucleation potential, graphitization, recalescence, Carbon and Silicon results; Analysis results in 2 to 4 minutes. The agility, precision and reliability of the ITALTERM instruments you already know!

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CARBOMAX DELTA is ITALTERM's solution for Thermal Solidification Analysis, monitoring the melting of gray, nodular and vermicular cast irons. A complete instrument, developed exclusively for the harsh environment of the foundry. Powerful hardware that combines precision and processing speed makes it a fundamental and complete tool for confirming load calculations, through the analysis of %Ce, %C and %Si and the metallurgical condition of the molten bath, through the parameters of "Undercooling" (TSE), Recalescence (REC), Delta Eutectic and other parameters. It has 4 totally independent analysis channels, simultaneously analyzing different stages of the process, such as base iron (furnace) or treated iron (casting, ladle, etc.). On its 4 channels, the CARBOMAX DELTA can be configured for the CARBON and MICROSTRUCTURE functions. That's 4 instruments in one cabinet! Simply add the pedestals to the corresponding thermocouple output.

CARBON MODE: Analysis with ITALCARB KU TE (With Tellurium) or ITALCARB KU TE+S (With Tellurium and Sulphur), to determine the contents (%) of Equivalent Carbon (Ce), Carbon (C) and Silicon (Si), in the metastable system.

MICROSTRUCTURE MODE: Analysis with ITALCARB KU ST (Without Tellurium) to monitor the degree of nucleation and formation of graphite in cast irons, with information on Equivalent Carbon (Ce), Eutectic Supercooling Temperature (TSE), Eutectic Recalescence (REC) and so on - called Eutectic Delta (difference between TSE or "Undercooling", in relation to the theoretical eutectic).

User-friendly interface, instrument dedicated to the melting process, instrument with IP 68 protection.